Vrishya chikitsa or vajeekarana chikitsa refers to Ayurvedic aphrodisiac therapy, one anga (branch) of ashtanga Ayurveda (eight pronged Ayurveda). Vajeekarana chikitisa (also called vrishya chikitsa) has the as a rule respected side in Ayurvedic treatment. Vrishya chikitsa is the method of escalation sukra dhathu, or the reproductive tissues of the body. Ayurveda considers mentally and physically strong offspring as the trap pebbles of a in good physical shape opportunity society. Thus, the standard aim of Ayurvedic aphrodisiac therapy is expected at the birth of healthy children.
However, the lax lifestyle of kings and landed gentry mandatory the Ayurvedic practitioners to facilitate the kings to assemble another women and to bump into their unholy sexual appetite. Ayurveda however doesn?t approve unhealthy sexual practices.
Vrishya chikitsa described in Ashtang Ayurveda addresses the reasons for sexual inefficiency and directs the use of quite a lot of aphrodisiac herbs and mineral deposits to enhance the vitality. Charaka, in his excellent Ayurvedic classic symbols Charaka Samhita has prescribed the use of aphrodisiacs with the aim of enhance the might of a person.
The herbs and therapy are for both men and women. The aphrodisiacs moreover nourishes the body.
Nearby are prehistoric scripts to facilitate intimate celibacy as the preeminent way of well life. Nevertheless, Ayurveda dismisses this behold as impracticable. Shukra or shukla, the reproductive handkerchief of the bulk is furthermore trustworthy for the exemption of our body. present are confident qualifications for the lady to give rise to sex through a man, the in the beginning among them is she must be the wife of the man.
Vajeekaran chikitsa strengthens all dhatus (tissues) of the dead body and gives a official of health and relaxed organism to the person.
Vrishya chikitsa (Ayurvedic aphrodisiac therapy) involves source of revenue in precise compliance including Ayurvedic tips and intriguing herbs or herbal combinations with the purpose of have aphrodisiac properties. Shilajit, Mucuna Pruriens (naikkurana), Aswagandha, etc are in good health branded Ayurvedic aphrodisiacs with the purpose of furnish bonus sexual right to couples and allow them to allot birth to healthy children.
Treatments for sex correlated harms enter Ayurvedic panchakarma, press therapies, Rasayana Chikitsa, etc.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Vrishya Chikitsa or Vajeekarana Chikitsa or Sexual Health in Ayurveda
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4:34 AM
Labels: ayurvedic sex, sex in ayurveda, Sexual Health in Ayurveda, sexual treatments, Vajeekarana Chikitsa, Vrishya Chikitsa
Salya Tantra - Ayurvedic Surgery
Surgery has longer times past than behavior with medicines in Ayurveda. Salya Tantra or the procedure of surgery is one of the eight twigs (asthanga) of Ayurveda. Ayurvedic surgeons are traditionally known as Dhanwantareeyas (after Dhanwantary).
Lady Dhanwantary?s persona has in his one offer a pot of Amrit (the divine nectar of immortality) and in the other a leech, suggestive of surgery. Dhanwantary has in the past in use incarnation as a human, as the son of the emperor of Kashy. (Human) Dhanwantary?s great grandson, Divodasa was an professional in Salya Tantra or surgery. Sushrutha, Ouradra, Pushkalavada and Oupadhenan had their instruction beneath Divodasa.
Dhanwantary and Jeevaka did surgery for brain, while Nimi particular in ophthalmologic surgery. Bhoja was an connoisseur to pick up the check wounds occurred on or after weapons (sword, arrow, etc) and Sushruta specialized in decorative false surgery. Westerners got the sketch of false surgery, while a resident Ayurvedic general practitioner re-created the nose of a British soldier named Kovaski, which he lost in a movement together with Tipu Sultan of Mysore in 1792. Now Sushrutha is regarded as the priest of progressive plastic surgery.
Nearby are surgical methods for treating bodily pimples, cancer, cataract, bones and diseases so as to imitate urinary bladder, liver, intestine, etc. Surgical methods were and proficient on ear, nose and throat. Dental surgery too was not rare.
Surgery had three main phases, poorva fate (pre-surgery), Sashtrakriya (surgery) and paschath providence (post-surgical treatment). Poorva fortune involves diagnosing the disease and the part of the corpse with the purpose of affects the shape of the human being and pashchath providence refers to pillar surgical care.
Sasthrakriya is the Sanskrit word of surgery. Sasthra channel a weapon and kriya agency and action. along these lines sasthrakriya or surgery is an dogfight with a mace or tool. here are nearly 108 changed tools second-hand in surgery, all of them exhibit signal similarities together with the surgical instruments with the intention of allopathic surgeons use.
In Kerala (and India) production among blood was careful an lesser thing. The general practitioner additionally was reliable for the vigor of the patient. If any solemn injure happens to the patient, the doctor had inclusive responsibility. He regular got overthrow sentence. All these contain led to the extinction of surgery in India.
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4:32 AM
Labels: ayurvedic surgery, salya tantra, surgery in ayurveda
ENT in Ayurveda - Shalakya Tantra
Shalakya tantra is one together with the eight brushwood of Ashtanga Ayurveda. Shalakya Tantra deals together with diseases with the purpose of put on parts beyond collar ? eyes, nose, throat, ears, and head. Shalakya tantra has a mixture of techniques to diagnose and go into different diseases to move eyes, and extra parts.
All the three major classics of Ayurveda ? Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and ashtanga Hridaya deals together with Shalakya Tantra. According to Ayurveda in attendance are 72 netra roga (eye diseases), 11 osta roga (lip diseases), one gand rog (lymph disease), 23 danta rog (dental diseases), 6 jihva rog (tongue diseases), eight talu rog (palate), 18 gal rog (throat diseases), and eight savagat mukhrog (diseases upsetting bragging cavity and face).
Sushrut Samhita tells in detail regarding surgical treatment of diverse eye diseases and protective dealings to thwart spread of infections. Sushruta, considered to be the head branded human surgeon, and describes the methods of deduction of unwanted growths enjoy tumors.
Shalakya Tantra deals not simply and foremost remedy trial for diseases disturbing thin-skinned parts of the head, but what's more puts detailed guidance a propos easy family remedies for diseases be fond of migraine, infections in eye, ears and other parts.
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4:31 AM
Labels: ayurvedic ent, ent in ayurveda, shalakya tantra in ayurveda
Ayurvedic Toxicology
Damshtra Chikitsa (toxicology)? is one among the eight branches (ashtanga) of Ayurveda. It comes in the section called Agata Tantra. The statement ?damshtra? memorizes the teeth of a venomous snake.
Visha is any substance that can source illness or even downfall to man or any living thing.
Visha is the opposite of Amrit, which gives immortality to man. no matter which can turn into toxic at what time full in an surplus amount. An accurate definition of venom is in truth not possible. There are a number of plants with the intention of have well lethal fruits or flowers. The similar fruits or plant life or extra parts can be worn as a element for very well in effect medicine to treat many serious diseases and conditions.
The substances to facilitate cause illness can by and large be called toxins. The central divisions now are toxins as of bites of snake, insects, etc and intake of contaminant by eating, drinking or inhaling. Toxic plants and deposit products absorb the crucial priority here. contrary cooking too can act as toxin.
The a large amount discussed topic, free radicals in medical circuits is an example of endo-toxin.
Though viewed as well as terror, no more than a few species of snake actually has venom strong enough to kill a human being. Snake venom can produce critical destruction to blood structure ? this later causes surroundings akin to anemia, asthma, etc. Proper drug can put off such situations on or after occurring.
Insect bites
Insect bites can begin pain, itching, boils, etc. Ayurveda suggests distinctive medicines for precise species to use underneath given conditions. The medicines can break results only when administered in the desired manner.
Artificial Toxins
Insecticides, chemicals, food additives, vegetables and fruits mature through the facilitate of fertilizers, pesticides etc are all artificial toxins. Autoimmune diseases flesh out due to the intake of artificial toxins for a lengthy period. Medicines that depend solely on substance combinations can advocate the person to an extreme rotation of killing a toxin through another one, and soon after declining quarry to a pollutant that is formidable in his body.
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4:29 AM
Labels: ayurveidc toxicology, damshtra chikitsa, toxicology treatment
Balachikitsa, Peadiatrics in Ayurveda
Balachikitsa (pediatrics) in Ayurveda is one between the eight undergrowth of Ashtanga Ayurveda. Other luminary for Bala chikitsa is Kaumarbhritya or Kaumara bhritya. Caring of children follows two core methods - preventive and treating methods. protective methods shrink even rather than the birth of child. In fact, it begins equal before the spawn is conceived within the womb of a woman. innovative food, pleasing mind, sound atmosphere, etc are compulsory for the care for to give birth to a well child.
Balachikitsa covers unusual anxiety to be prearranged to the child in each and all podium of growth.? to order prepared liniment is functional to the whole body, not including head, mainly to avoid imminent diseases caused due to vata. The room anywhere the baby is kept is fresh by smoking with medicinal herbs with the aim of have sterilizing and cleaning properties.
The top food for a new intuitive baby is breast milk.
Bala (pronounced ba-lah) funds kids below the age of 16. virtually all diseases to upset adults hit brood too. Diagnosis of the disease can be a bit difficult plus children. Kids and offspring are too prearranged much slash doses medicines than to adults.
Vagbhata in his classical writings, Ashtanga Samgraha and Ashtanga Hridaya, which are more often than not descriptions and abstract of up to that time available books, Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita tells in detail about Balachikitsa as well as prenatal, natural and post birth care to be particular to children. vigorous children are responsible for healthy society ? this is the unquestionable vista of Ayurveda. It not only deals in addition to the physical care, but also the requisite of giving strong cuisine for the mind. Ayurveda believes that both fit attend to and wholesome mind are inter-dependant.
Balachikitsa is the bough of Ayurveda that deals and strength issues of children, from before conception to the age of sixteen.
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4:27 AM
Labels: ayurvedic child care, ayurvedic pediatrician, balachikitsa, peadiatrics in ayurveda
Kaya Chikitsa in Ayurveda
Kaya chikitsa or kayachikitsa is the key turn-off of Astanga Ayurveda or eight-branched Ayurveda. Kaya means bulk and chikitsa instrument treatment.
Charaka Samhita by Acharya Charaka is the opening characters with the aim of gives elaborate education a propos Kaya chikitsa or Ayurvedic common medicine.
The practitioner necessity categorize leading the natural world of the character (rogi pareeksha), and then the character of the disease (roga pareeksha). This is an elaborate administer and goes finished different stages of assessing the dosha enter of the person, his/her corporal and mental capabilities, the stage of disease etc are all in use keen on credit before prescribing a medicine.
According to Charaka, the stiff has the power to medication any imbalances with the intention of occur to the body. The task of medicines is to revitalize the days force in our mass system, hence enabling our federation extent a beneficial state.
Diseases according to Ayurveda are the imbalance caused to the tridosha approach of body. imbalance in any one dosha can disturb the rest of extra doshas too. Thus, it is significant to fast assist the stiff reinstate the country of balance. The imbalances can occasionally be occurred due to the stroke of view or due to irregularities in sapta dhatu routine or due to deposit of malas (wastes or toxins).
Sodhan or distillation of the mass is the primarily thing about treating the body. Panchakarma is a method of full body cleansing to exorcise accumulated toxins beginning the system. Panchakarma is a pressing cleansing method, which involves five karmas specifically nasya, vaman, virechan, basti and rakthamoksha.
Spiritualist is treating the organization with snehan and swedan. Snehan is oil therapy and swedan is forcing the organization to sweat, in the manner of shaman.
Purva fate is the preparatory procedure for panchakarma and paschat-karma is the therapy to facilitate follows panchakarma.
The carcass genuinely has a inclination to expels accumulated bodily wastes (ama). At times, this expelling of lethal wastes can turn out to be testing for the body. The sodhan therapy is a way of assisting the body in expelling those toxins as of the body, in that way facilitating beneficial functioning of better part tissues.
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4:25 AM
Labels: ayurvedic kaya, kaya chikitsa, kaya in ayurveda, kaya treatment
India' Ayurveda Acharyas
Humanity got ‘life of knowledge’ through numerous Ayurveda practitioners. The knowledge is transferred to bestow generation by customs of palm scripts and statement of boasting from Ayurveda masters to students.
We can’t bunch up in turn roughly the sparkle story of the thousands of seers who spend their lives to nurture and spread the erudition for the benefits of humankind. Ayurveda is ascribed a divine starting point and the acharyas approached Ayurveda, medicines in the midst of dutiful fervor.
The divine conduct of the learning must be one reason that Ayurveda was in the present day ready available to the undivided humankind.
Acharyas reminiscent of Charaka, Sushruta, Vagbhata, Atreya, Bhavamisra etc don’t claim Ayurveda started with them. In piece of information they in general acknowledge Ayurveda practice of numerous other seers who lived before them and their contemporaries.
We appreciate roughly speaking these acharyas, since of the texts they give rise to in print or since of additional texts that mention their names and works.
Bharadwaj is one along with the prominent personalities of Ayurveda acharyas of ancient India. about myths say fortune-teller Bharadwaj time-honored the comprehension of life from lady Indra for the benefit of humankind. He received this facts of life as he was sent to the gods to learn a practice to combat illnesses and sufferings on mud by a unit of seers.
The go stories of Bharadwaj are found in Matsya Purana, Hariwarsha Purana etc.
Atreya Acharya was a student of Bharajwaj. on or after Atreya acharya, Agnivesha well-read Ayurveda.
Vagbhata is acknowledged to Ayurveda students for the compilation of Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita by Ayurveda Acharyas, Charaka and Sushruta in his own terms in the take shape of astanga samgraha and Astangahridaya.
His endeavor to make available the bursting knowledge of Ayurvedic skill is commendable. He lists in clean language, the methods of diagnosis, medicine preparation, and treatment.
Vagbhata says in astanga hridaya
idamagama sidhathval,
Prathyaksha phala darsanal,
Mantraval samprayoktavyam
Na Meemamsyam Kathanchana:?
It means, this (Ashtangahridayam) is the collection of long-ago experiences. Its use gives substantial results. So, like a mantra, consume its power by frequent reflection and use it as well as confidence.
Sushruta can rightly be called the vicar of surgery and artificial surgery. He skillful salya tantra (surgery) in 600 BC. several researchers inform to facilitate Sushruta wrote his books where between 400 BC and to begin with century AD. Even if the later application is in use keen on account, you can make certain with the aim of Sushruta is the original in the world to relate a clear-cut route for surgery, among true niceties of the sastras (weapons) to use, which engage in signal similarities by way of prevailing surgical equipments in all aspect.
He obviously describes the approach of liability plastic surgery on a nose, or an earlobe. The logic of re-enactment of a mutilated nose from cheek tissue is up to standard regular today.
Susruta said that one cannot be a thorough vaidya (Ayurveda practitioner) exclusive of the perfect understanding of medicine and surgery. However, it may not be right to think so as to Sushruta invented surgery or forced surgery. It might engage in been practiced by scores of physicians more willingly than him. It is likely with the aim of he right elucidated the facts for the earliest time.
Susruta was natural in the folks of Viswamitra, a prominent believe in Indian mythology. He practiced medicine and surgery below Divodasa Dhanvantari. Surgeons of ancient India were called dhanvantareeyans, since Lord Dhanvantary is assumed to transfer the learning of surgery to humankind.
Susrutha also recommends giving lavender to the qualities in the past drama surgery. This wine gives deadness to the character and trees the personality insensitive to the operation.
Madhavacharya's donation to Ayurveda includes his inferences to pathology and diagnosis of diseases.
He lived in south India in 9th or 10th century AD. Madhavanidana is the authentic tome with the purpose of describes nidana or the diagnosis deal with of different diseases. Madhava described pathology, diagnosis, causes, symptoms and environment of various diseases.
Jivaka or Jeevaka is a to a great extent quoted label in the story and teachings of Ayurveda. The most important reason can be Jivaka?s test, the investigation prearranged by his teacher, Atreya Acharya on completion of his medicine studies. He, in the vein of other disciples of Atreya had to get a thyme or a folio by no medical value. Jivaka, may possibly not learn such a plant or a herb. However, it was lone a manifestation of first-class facts he had on the appraise of plants, herbs and all fundamentals of nature.
Buddhist texts have elaborate mentioning of Jivaka as the general practitioner of aristocrat Buddha. be keen on sushruta, Jivaka what's more is assumed to do surgical procedures.
Charaka lived in India in third or trice century BC. Charaka Samhita, his manuscript on Ayurvedic way of kick and dealing has terms of wisdom with the purpose of up to date researches and checkup science accept after a gap of 2,000 years. He took the wisdom from Acharyas comparable Athreya and Agnivesa.
Prevention is better than cure ? this sentence can appear to be a clich? today, but Charaka Acharya has told about the consequence of lifestyle balancing for a strong livelihood additional than 20 centuries ago. In his book, he particulars all and every aspect of most important a nourishing life, consumption healthy food, finding medical herbs when someone feels unhealthy or diseased, the quality of herbs stirring in the makeup and its effect on individual body.
Charaka puts a aim for every person who attempts to do Ayurveda ? a doctor who is not proficient of toward the inside the main part of a person by way of the lighted lamp of experience cannot treat diseases.
Charaka Samhita is the earliest Ayurvedic wording with the aim of particulars the body types, the three doshas or tridosha. Charaka is also the opening to describe the processes of metabolism and immunity. Metabolism or absorption and absorption of food can vary in people of different dosha types. The unchanged sum of provisions can allot different levels of diet and energy to different persons. Identifying the tangible type of a person is in this fashion the on the whole weighty fraction of Ayurvedic treatment.
The three doshas ? vata, pitta and kapha after in a balanced state, the qualities enjoys health.
near are more or less differences of view about Charaka as a person. He is thought to be the son of a traveling sage. here are too counter opinions that Charaka is a assembly of Ayurvedic practitioners to facilitate traveled commencing one arrange to another. They served in addition to Ayurvedic treatment to relatives where on earth they went.
Bhavamisra or Bhava Misra was an Ayurvedic practitioner lived in 16th century AD. His hand-outs to Indian medicine embrace his compilation of vast treatise by Bhava Prakasa. The compilations boast reference to all the not the same branches of zoology and medicine ? anatomy, embryology, physiology, pathology, diseases, diagnosis, medicines, etc.
He is too the pioneer to explain quite a lot of concepts appearing in ancient Ayurvedic scripts. Bhavamisra studies medicine systems prevailed in additional countries in the vein of Persia and Sri Lanka.
Atreya Acharya was the teacher of Agnivesh or Jeevaka (Jivaka) who was the general practitioner of Lord Buddha. Atreya had Ayurvedic education under Bharadwaja. His inventive VIP was Punarvasu. Atreya means the son of Atri. Atri, the perceptive is understood to be in this world in India among 8th and 6th century BC. Atreya Samhita, a compilation of 46,500 verses on Ayurvedic concepts is his work.
He is the first to describe six tastes ? sweet, astringent, bitter, sour, salt and acerbic are the six tastes that humans experience. both flavor has specific end product on soul organization and characteristics.
He classifies diseases as curable and incurable. He additionally directs the practitioners to opt the patients to think about and not to.
He is the pioneer to give a exhaustive report of diseases, its causes, and cures. Atreya has additionally classified poisons and toxic substances.
The foundation stone tridosha belief of Ayurveda is too a input of Atreya Acharya. Charaka, Sushruta, Vagbhata and additional dated Ayurveda practitioners got the basics on or after Atreya Acharya.
though no one can assign an exact movie of the source of Ayurveda as a existence science, the oldest presented records of this thorough discipline of energy and medicine runs to and nail clippings at Atreya Acharya.
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4:12 AM
Labels: ancient acharyas, ancient ayurveda, ancient ayurveda practicioners, ancinet traditinal indian ayurveda, ayurveda acharyas, ayurveda in india
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Holistic Ayurveda
It looks at the undivided of one's life. Health and disease are byproducts of all aspects of one's life: nutrition, career, mental frame, family and common tricks and spiritual life. If one part is weakened, all areas launch to suffer. If a part is miserable at work, it desire concern all new areas of life. The five senses are the gateways to facilitate fetch in these influences; what one sees, hears, smells, touches, tastes affects all areas of wellbeing and life.
The be bothered moreover plays a major part in how we act and counter to the in sequence and experiences gathered from the senses. When the watch over is calm and clear, one handles a situation a good deal better. The equivalent situation, the equal people or stresses live at all times. How one deals together with these situations desire be different depending upon one's mental physique of mind.
Western medicine has ended hefty progress in treating loads of diseases; still it has trouble curing foremost diseases of an aging populace such as spirit disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and osteoporosis. Additionally, it emphasizes the cure of symptoms and diseases by means of drug therapy. consequently Ayurveda recommends personnel undergo time to raise all areas of soul to continue the whole (or holistic) balance. get-up-and-go is like a web, if you shake one vicinity of the web, the whole web shakes. love that, what one does in one field of one's life affects all areas.
How Ayurveda Works
Ayurveda performs by balancing the three Doshas - Vata,Pitta and Kapha which govern the internal fitness of the body.
Vata functions as a funds to deconstruct bulk tissues and substances in arrange for the body to excel use them. Evening hours, summer, and old age are connected to Vata Dosha. This Dosha besides governs the anxious system. gloomy skin, tall stature, anxiousness, and conviviality exemplify a Vata individual. Things so as to can be detrimental to Vata keep upright are excessive exercise, insomnia, over plenty of sexual activity.
a. Metabolism, digestive issues, and energy conversions of all types are proscribed by Pitta Midday, autumn, and middle age are in addition linked in the midst of this Dosha. The profile of a human being including eager Pitta characteristics desire be good skinned, and of middle build. They are too possible to be highly emotional. Pitta can be adversely influenced by hot foods, tea, coffee, alcohol, over-exposure to the sun, and unexpressed emotions.
b. The Kapha Dosha governs the body’s gift to renovate and renew itself. It pedals the fluid flow in the body. It is coupled with cock-crow hours, winter, and youth. A Kapha particular is typically grave in build in the midst of a avenue skin tone. individual foods, particularly sweets and dairy products, are disturbing to the functions allied in the midst of Kapha
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9:13 AM
Labels: ayurveda working, how ayurveda works, working of ayurveda
Kerala Ayurvedic Treatment and Remedies
Ayurveda is the eternal Vedic art of life, the traditional natural therapeutic coordination of India. Today, Ayurveda is at the vanguard of mind-body medicines. Ayurveda has reach far past its traditional ignoble and is ahead attention throughout the world. Ayurveda with its harmony of vivacity and consciousness becomes the medicine of the future.
Ayurveda literally means erudition of life. Its basic principles are alleged to be remembered by Brahma, the author himself. This wisdom in deed was handed feathers through fairy-tale information to the immense seers. The on paper wording of Ayurveda see go backward to countless millennia and the incredibly complicated and advanced concepts with the intention of exemplify them at rest create the heart of diverse medical systems of today. As a discipline of go Ayurveda attempts to set out polite and bad practices of get-up-and-go by outlining the foundation of lucky and discontented life, what is nourishing and unwholesome. It additionally elaborates guidelines for providing a balance to over and over again confused and unhealthy lifestyles of enlightened world.
Ayurvedic medicines are based on the tenet that all party has a unique constitution with the aim of allied to his necessary energies translated into Ayurvedic nosology as dosha or humors. The equilibrium of these humors depends on a range of factors. The objective of Ayurveda is to reestablish the equilibrium when we are ill and to maintain to facilitate equilibrium in categorize to keep us healthy. Ayurveda explores how to make good our minds on all levels from the involuntary to super conscious down including the job of diet, carrying out and various other methods to create wholeness.
Ayurveda mainly comprises of eight clinical specialties. They are: - General medicine ( Kaaya chikitsa), Pediatrics (Baala chikitsa), psychotherapy (Bhoota vidyaa), medication of person in charge and neck (Saalakya tantra), Surgery (Salya tantra), Toxicology (Agada tantra), renovation therapy (Rasayana tantra) and Reproductive medicine (Vajeekarana chikitsa).
Rasaayana and vajeekarana therapies have distinctive consequence in the modern era. As the life has been polluted and distorted in the sphere of our day after day reality each real blessings are far away as of us. The field of dealing projected as Rasaayana finds a promising viable clarification to physical condition evils above all starting a psychosomatic perspective. It cleanses the body totally, regains the full of zip brains to its finest possible functioning level, charitable a sense of rejuvenation. One may easily yield oneself to the exotic spirituality of the treatment.
Vajeekarana therapy is an important treatment to pull out the buried energy to create a new ancestry of life. The medicines of Ayurveda touches strongly to alleviate the accessible or workable hindrances whether embedded in the mind or body.
Ayurveda tiled the way for surgical innovations including organ transplantation. Classical ayurvedic treatises provide us authentic imagery of functioning surgery and of the straight and high-pitched instruments worn for it. Susruta, the instigator of Susruta samhitaa, is hailed as the vicar of forced surgery. His compendium stresses the need of fanaticism and observation to carry out various procedures on person body.
Charaka Samhitaa, Susruta Samhitaa, Ashtaanga sangraha and Ashtaanga Hridaya are celebrated Ayurvedic treatises. Madhava Nidaana, Bhaavaprakaasa, Saarn'gadhara Samhitaa etc. also domination popularity amongst physicians. Of these Maadhava Nidaana is a handbook of pathology as all the others are encyclopedic plant on medicine and surgery. Books in the vein of Cakradatta, Yoga Ratnaakara and Bhaishajya Ratnavali are mainly books dealing exclusively along with therapeutics. All these books are in print in Sanskrit and various commentaries and translations of these books are plus available. There is an array of books on paper in vernacular too.
Panchakarma is the essence of Ayurvedic treatment. It became all the rage due to the magical domino effect it can cause out even on or else incorrigible diseases. Purifying the corpse and regaining the normal rhythm over and done with a good for you line of handling specific by regimens, so as to attends on the body as a whole is a juicy concept of medicine and that is the major forte of Panchakarma. Emesis, Purgation, Oil enema, Decoction enema and Errhines type the five active procedures of Panchakarma.
Kerala has modulated loads of extraordinary treatments to suit the requirements of patients and to medicine diseases. They comprise various irrigation therapies and fomentation combined in the midst of harmonized massage. Pizhiccil, Navara kizhi and Siro dhaara, a number of of the Kerala specialties, constitute foremost tools in transformation therapy and in provided that entertainment to the stressed and strained.
India, the settle of Ayurveda, truly adopts a methodical academic method to tutor Ayurveda. The Central congress of Indian Medicine, constituted by the Government of India, monitors the quality and standard of Ayurvedic teaching and practice.
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9:05 AM
Labels: kerala ayurvedic procedures, kerala ayurvedic remedies, kerala ayurvedic treatments
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Kerala Ayurvedic Centres to be Licensed
The present government permission for ayurvedic centers and massage soon, Secretary Vishwas Mehta health reported here. Addressing a press conference here Friday, he said that rules mandating the quality of health care centers Ayurvedic were framed under the Act medico-social centers of Kerala Ayurveda (issue permits and order).
He said that steps were being taken to improve marketing services and ayurvedic medicines. State Pharmaceutical Corporation of Delhi (Oushadi) was obtaining ISO certificates for its ayurvedic products.
The government also had plans to collaborate with institutes in Germany and Slovakia to launch medicines and ayurvedic services.
The European center of Ayurvedic in Castrop-Rauxel proposed to establish close collaboration with the ayurvedic centers in Kerala and professionals to refer patients in Kerala. Vallomtharayil Thomas, who represents the European center, said that the center would lead European patients taking the Indian centers.
After their return from India, the center provides coordinated treatment and medication monitoring. He said that about 6000 ayurvedic institutes have now worked in Germany.
However, only about 1,000 had qualified staff. Thus, the center plans to investigate ayurvedic practitioners in Europe to establish support structures for appropriate patients.
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12:21 AM
Labels: ayurveda in kerala, kerala ayurvedic centres, kerala government ayurveda, oushadhi