As we all know, there are emotional effects caused by acne. More obvious that these red bumps on her face, there are effects of acne that can not be cured by a cream or acne solution and that emotion is scars left by acne. Well, no doctor or an expert dermatologist can provide you the best answers to this problem on acne.
According to studies, acne is very common when one is in its adolescence. For adolescents know the pain of acne, it is very difficult to cope with the social impacts of acne. There are those marks of shame, depression and even self-pity. As a parent of a teenager who is facing this problem, you could be one of the biggest aid. What would you do? You can do a lot.
Remind your child that acne is temporary.
As a tutor, you must be there and give encouragement to your child. You'd probably see him so because of the way people and critics pinch him. Say it will not last long and it would be passed successfully. Never stop to explain the importance of moving despite the negative reactions of others to their words that are not at all important.
Bring your teen to a good dermatologist
Do not wait for your teen acne problem to get worse before they go see a dermatologist. The sooner the better, this cliché May be very true, but for this question and you may realize the truth behind. You have to find the dermatologist who deserves your trust. Be with your teen as you visits to the dermatologist. Also, help your teen to follow the instructions and reminders of the dermatologist.
Guide your child to do the right things
There are things or acts that May aggravate acne. See what you are about your teen to remember that these are not the right thing to do and it would just cause ill effects. Explain the cause and effect of acne problems and make sure t answer questions that your teen a.
Increase your child's self-confidence
The self-confidence plunges down when all mocks and wool arise. The effect of your teen would be bitter. Be there to strengthen believes he or she has inside. Be generous with praise, but do not use them only to flatter. Tell your teen about how great his talent. That would be a lift to their morale.
You are a parent, and you can help your teen to feel better thanks to the misjudgments of society towards people with acne. This is just one step, it would certainly stop it. Be there and support your child might not like.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Effects of and caused by acne
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1:24 AM
Labels: about acne, acne treatment, acne treatments, ayurvedic skin care, causes of acne, effects of acne
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Indigestion and Ayurveda
Indigestion, the comprehension of the process of digestion is very essential. The approach of Ayurveda to explain digestion is very simple and effective. Food that we eat is digested by the fire of Agni or body which is present in our body. It is much similar to the manner that we make cook food. The fire of Agni or body helps to digest the food which is consumed, just like the fire of the cooks of a furnace which food kept on top. Agni is mainly located in Jatara or in the upper part of the digestive system and is called like Jataragni. Agni is still classified by category as Bhootagni (which digests the 5 current factors of mahabhoota of pancha in food), Dhatwagni (the current agni in fabrics which help them to absorb food required), Malagni (the agni which helps in the formation of the losses of body like the stools, sweat and the urine). Jataragni orders the bhootagni, the dhatwagni and the malagni. By this it is obvious that the approach of ayurveda of digestion explains the cellular metabolism too.
The factors which help the agni to digest food completely. : Agni of assistance of Thridoshas - of Vata, Pitta and Kapha to digest food.
If the process of digestion is compared with that to make cook rice, the stomach, like the ship., receives food. Vata provides the requirements like the ventilator, acts of Pitta like the furnace, providing work conditions optimas while Kapha provides moisture required just like water in the ship. When all these factors normal and are well balanced, an optimum state is created to digest food completely.
When food is completely digested by all the agnis, the fabrics of body will be well nourished and one is blessed with the attractive dye, the gleam, longevity, the force, the good health, the growth, enthusiasm, the vitality and the total healthy development of the body and the spirit.
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6:41 AM
Labels: ayurveda indigestion, ayurvedic indigestion treatment, indigestion cure
Natural Acne Cure
The acne is a very common problem of skin which assigns the young people to their puberty and few adults until they reach 45. The acne are referred as pitikas of Youvana (which means the eruptions of youth) in the ayurveda. This shows the prevalence of the acne of the ages. Ayurveda described the causes of the acne and recommends the best remedies of sweet herbs normal of acne too.
The acne is a very common problem of skin which assigns the young people to their puberty and few adults until they reach 45. The acne are referred as pitikas of Youvana (which means the eruptions of youth) in the ayurveda. This shows the prevalence of the acne of the ages. Ayurveda described the causes of the acne and recommends the best remedies of sweet herbs normal of acne too.
A great number of producing glands of oil called �the glands sebaceous� are present under the skin on the face, the back, the trunk and the shoulders. During puberty or the menopause due to the influence of the sex hormones, which are produced in the male and the female, these glands become more active and produce an oily secretion called the �sebum�. The sebum makes the skin more oily. The excessive sebum blocks the pore of skin or the well of the follicule of hair forming the acne.
The pore or the acne blocked acts as an excellent habitat for bacteria. The bacterial infection causes the swelling of ignition (red, painful of the infected sector) of the follicule blocked by pore or hair leading to the eruption of the buttons.
Vata and Kapha are two doshas principal, which is implied in the eruption of the acne and the buttons. The dhatu or the blood of Rakta also plays a big role in the formation of the acne.
Vata when obtains because vitiated unhealthy mode and lifestyles affects two others doshas (kapha and pitta) to worsen them. The worsened pitta affects the dhatu or the blood of rakta. Vitiated blood affects the skin and causes oil the excessive secretion of the glands sebaceous. Kapha with the sticking property. The worsened kapha gives viscosity to the oil produced by the glands sebaceous of the skin. Thus the thick catches sebaceous are formed in pores of skin and follicules of hair leading to the eruption of the acne.
The acne worsens when
1. hard grease, dirtiness or other chemicals accumulate on the skin.
2. you increased levels of effort.
3. you deliver yourselves to the tightening or the pinching of the acne.
4. when there are hormonal imbalances during the menstrual cycle, the menopause and puberty.
5. you are under drugs like steroids or the hormonal therapy.
Precautions to take to avoid the exaggeration of the eruptions of acne:
. Avoid foods which are spiced, dry and oily. Those can cause the indigestion and lead to the vitiation of the vata.
. Keep a practice to empty entrails regularly that this always standardizes the vata.
. Avoid food of fast preparation and soft drinks.
. You twice a day wash the face with the �pierreuse soft one.
. Put a band of hair to avoid the fall of the hair on the face. Sweat and dirtiness accumulated on hair can fall on the facial skin by banks from hair
. Avoid the application of rubs.
. Wash you the hair regularly with the soft shampoo to maintain it clean and to avoid films.
. The tightening and the pricking of the buttons cause to frighten. Consequently avoid this
. Avoid the exposure of the skin to the serious climatic conditions.
. Avoid the hydrating creams based by oil. The creams hydrating containing water are always salutary.
. Drink abundance of water.
. Practise a mode of regular exercise
Remedies of sweet herbs normal of house of acne:
. You wash the face with tepid water and the soft soap twice a day.
. Wash the fresh sheets of methi (Greek sheets of fenu) and rectify them to make a paste. Apply it to the face and remove it with tepid water after 10 minutes.
. Rectify the juicy tender sheets of neem with the saffron of the Indies to a uniformity of paste. Apply this paste to the acne and the buttons. Remove this after it dries.
. Apply a face pack of ripe tomato pulp and remove it as soon as it dries naturally (preferably after 45 minutes).
. Do not keep to compose it while sleeping. Clean it with �pierreuse fine soft grass.
. Mix the flour besan (flour of gram) with pink water and apply a face pack.
. Consuming fresh vegetable of salads and the fresh fruits maintains the skin healthy and resistant to the defects.
. Drink abundance of water (15 glasses per day)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Murad Acne Complex
Each and every one knows the importance of face rather the beauty of the face. More over this is the first thing to look whenever other persons look at you see you. In fact, our confidence is based on our facial beauty. The appearance of skin problems especially in the face is really a major concern. For those who have no problems concerned with face then it is a great boon for them. But majority of the people are having facial skin problems which gets worsened during the due course of time.
Is Acne your problem? Do you want to have a reliable solution to this skin problem? Try the murad acne complex, which is developed by world renowned dermatologist Dr Howard Murad. The treatment is self based with quality results.
With 3 simple steps this skin problem can be easily cured by this uniquely prepared acne complex. Get clear, soft and healthy skin with this great product which has proved that users has experienced a reduction in breakouts in JUST 4 WEEKS after staring the usage of this murad acne complex. If your facing this skin problem get a reliable solution by visiting the website.
Monday, June 16, 2008
About Ultra Violet and Natural Skin Care
Having shinning sun on our body is something that will keep us happy and healthy. If you are concerned about your skin, you should know that the sun can do damage to your body. The UV Index is something that most people have heard and know that UV rays can cause skin damage and even cancer in some people. When you know and understand how the UVI work, you'll have a good idea of the effects of the sun and what you can do to protect your skin and body in the best way.
The UV rays are also known as ultraviolet rays. They can damage your skin and eyes and we should be worried about this so that we wear protective clothing and use a sunscreen and sunglasses to stay safe in the summer and during the winter months . During recent decades, the UV index has been included in many weather forecasts to help people see the strength of ultraviolet rays from the sun throughout the day.
You must first realize that the readings are taken at noon if the figures are at their peak. This means that the sun's rays are not always as bad as what you see on the weather. This is not the man you should not wear a sunscreen every time. But you should not worry about the sun as you do not even go outside. The sun can be very healthy and edifying for our bodies as well.
The UV index is going to read the effects of the sun with numbers and zero is the lowest. The number of days, the UV index will be between zero and ten. A reading of more than ten means it is more dangerous and this is especially for those with fair skin. Being safe with sunscreen whenever you go outside, no matter what reading is to help protect yourself. Zero to two is the "minimum" UV index rating and three or four, the risk is "low". Having a 5 or 6 show that "moderate" dangers are present and a seven to ten is "high" risk. Anything that is above ten is "very high." You have to remember to stay indoors if the reading is underway to achieve above ten.
The UV index is very useful because it will measure not only the sun's heat but also the ozone layer, clouds, haze and pollution in any area on any day. These things are underway to block some of the dangers of UV rays in an indication of how much more pleasant and sunny, it is outdoors. You need to know that it is essential that you protect your skin from the sun and make sure you are catching some beautiful sun as often as you can.
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3:17 AM
Labels: ayurvedic skin care, natural skin care, ultra violet skin care
Oily Skin - Natural Skin Care
Oily skin is not to have fun. It may appear to be thick and dull looking for large pores and training buttons. This is due to the oil glands of the skin and are overactive oil and accumulate in the skin. This will further evaluation to the formation of black spots. The skin will have a bold brilliance to it and this will make it look coarse. Many have not oily skin and instead, they have combination skin, which means that in some areas, May it be dry or simply normal in others. Oily skin has its drawbacks and the main east it will age slower than other types of skin.
Because of the dryness of the skin, genetics will be to play in the case of oily skin. There are other things that contribute to oily skin conditions and they include food, hormones, cosmetics, pregnancy, contraceptives and environmental conditions as the most hot and humid climates. Given that hormone levels are high, particularly testosterone, which will be the most active sebaceous glands, oily skin will be more sensitive in adolescence. The same reason will be for oily skin conditions of women who are pregnant or in menopause.
There are regular routine cleaning with hot water and soap that is necessary to prevent oil build and obstruction of the pores. You must be careful not to use harsh soaps and other products that will make your skin dry. If you use dehydration products on the skin, the top layer is dry and shrink. This will result in obstruction the flow of oil through the pores. The result is going to obstruction of pores.
You need to clean the skin with warm water that is comfortable for you. The hot water dissolves more oil. Do not use cleansing creams. You should go for a lotion antibacterial cleaning or mild soap for drug do. When you've finished cleaning, treatment of skin with a natural and oil-free moisturizer.
If your skin is too oily, and you're younger than thirty years, you should make four cleanings per day and use little or no moisturizer after cleaning. Use your fingers to massage your face while you're cleaning.
A clay or mud mask will help you take care of oily conditions of the skin. For sensitive skin, white or pink colored clay are best to use it as a mask. Before putting on makeup, a woman May want to use antiseptic cream of the day which will reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.
There are regimes that are rich in protein are underway but a lack of sugar, salt and fluids that are recommended for those who have problems with oily skin. Eating fruits and vegetables are being challenge to help. You want especially those who are rich in vitamin B2. These are whole grains, beans, nuts, and royal jelly. You have to use less oil in your diet and avoid consuming alcohol, sodas, drinks filled with sugar, chocolate and other junk foods. You need to talk to your doctor or dermatologist on the skin and know what is best for you. .
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3:15 AM
Labels: ayurvedic skin care, natural skin care, oil skin, types of skins
Natural and Organic Skin Care
There are so many different modeling professionals who are often said that they are natural skin texture and natural skin beauty. It is no secret to anyone that these models are working with artists represented in the wings and are made up to look as thought they are perfect, even when they get out of bed in the morning. To get this same look, we buy makeup and many times these "natural" girls were advertising. In the world of fashion, the word also means something else natural. It is a word we associate with fresh, safe and type of organic objects. That's what everyone wants in the world today because we try to focus on the environment and many companies have lines that include natural products.
This natural skin care is considered safe. This is true for products that are labeled as natural and are generally more expensive than other cosmetics. Unlike other natural cosmetics which are said to give you natural and glowing skin lavera natural cosmetics tries to give to the best from the nature 100% free of chemicals. The products offered are made for sensitive skin, out of Pure organic plant oils, herbs,flower extracts & essential oils, and the products are also free from parabens, petroleum, glutene & other unnatural ingredients which are found in other cosmetics.
Lavera also offers anti aging products and organic cosmetics which can amaze everyone with your glowing skin and natural beauty. Buy those natural cosmetics from Lavera & Lavere and get stunned by your amazing beauty.
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2:54 AM
Labels: anti aging products, lavera, lavere, natural skin care, organic cosmetics
Skin Fragrances
There are so many different scents that exists on the market today. Most people have different smells they love most. However, some of these scents can turn other fruit. Men and women have "odour" which are used for their sex and other fragrances such as fruit punch are used in products for children. There are scents that do much more than just make you smell good, they can also make you feel too big. Fragrances can do important things for your skin and health. It is important to remember to think about trees that are in your products when you buy skin care in the market.
You should know that all perfumes are good for your body. If you have any skin or sensitive skin, you must May to obtain products that are not fragrant. It is important to remember that most perfumes are not organic. Flowers, fruits, and many others that we feel in our ordinary life generally not be strong enough or quickly lose their smell when they are mixed with other things. That is why chemicals are used to produce the smells you like and know as lilac, pine, and vanilla. These are chemicals that will not be harmful to the skin in most cases, but can cause a rash occasionally. You need to look and check the label for ingredients that will cause allergic reactions in your body.
There are some concerns, but generally perfumes are perfect for your skin. Fragrances can actually help you feel better. This is what aromatherapy is all. It is a type of healing and prevention medicine. This method is called alternative and the patient feel different scents to help cope with medical requirements. Some acupuncturists, massage therapists and other professionals aromatherapy use of their practices.
When you buy products in skin care, you can use some of these same things to help you choose products that are going to make you feel better. Money, they say, something that will boost so that you can wake up in the morning. There are soothing smells like lavender and this will help you fall asleep when you use it at night. You can find a list of perfumes to help you in your different moods and different health conditions from the Internet or a professional who knows.
The perfumes are tools for use with products of skin care. They can really improve your smell and your mood. Not only that, but you can improve your health with most of them. If you want to know more about how scent can help you and your body feel better, you should talk to a health professional or your family doctor to learn more about aromatherapy and perfume d Other topics that you can benefit.
Skin Problems and Concerns
It is likely that most of us face a certain type of skin problem in our life. Because the problems of the skin can cause discomfort and even embarrass us, they should not hide away from ourselves the rest of the world. There are two most common skin disorders that are known and they are eczema and acne.
Acne is most often found among adolescents and it is very common among adults. It is said that there was one in four adults who will have to go through defects acne at some point in their lives. However, many wander what causes these homes.
The acne may be due to various factors which include hormones, heredity, stress, and medicines. It is important to know that acne is not caused by a single factor. Many people believe that people with acne are not specific or they eat too much fat or fat. But this is a myth.
The fact is that acne has nothing to do with your lifestyle or your skin at the root. When the oil is trapped beneath the surface of your skin, it can cause bacteria begin to multiply. This often causes the skin to become irritated while developing the buttons and patches.
What can we do to fight against a disease of skin reactions? First, we need to recommend that you wash your skin once or twice a day with a good cleaning. You must stay away form cleaners that contain acids severe because they irritate your skin further. To avoid irritation, you do not rub your face. It is better to use only the tip of your fingers when you're washing, limiting the sensitivity of your skin and pores own.
Another problem with the skin is eczema. This would encroach on 15 million Americans and eczema can appear in many ways. It is generally being seen as a dry patch of skin that is red and irritated and it may also lead to cracking, itching , Blisters, and seeping wounds.
Eczema is known to be a hereditary condition, but it can also be caused by other reasons. There are things as irritants such as Cologne, perfumes, detergents, soaps, household chemicals and, of course, stress can lead to symptoms of eczema.
You May wander how you can fight against this disease. The first thing is to avoid any risk as triggers of the above. Prevention is the best medicine for most skin conditions, eczema and is no exception to the rule. If you have eczema, you should not get upset. There are many creams and ointments that will help treat the symptoms of it.
The best advice for any skin problem is to get help is a good dermatologist. The aid professionals have the skills and tools that are necessary to process and treat your skin in the right direction. You can also find your confidence and you can return to normal life without worrying about your skin out.
Rolfing Therapy
A natural way to manipulate the body tissue is Rolfing. It is a term used in structural integration. Rolfing will organize the relations of soft tissues to each other in order to the harmony of body and allow free movement. This will improve a person's well-being and it will be used in many parts of alternative medicine and is thought to a good process in helping a person get rid of stress and to move more easily.
Pauline Ida Rolf is the person who is responsible for finding this technique and it was duly appointed for her. In the 1950 Rolf took his knowledge of biochemistry to develop a method to involve the organization realignment respect to gravity. She called this process of structural integration of the human body. Since the 1970 Rolfing has been used to realign the body and create a happy state of mind.
By using the process Rolfing means touching the skin of a person to find AM imbalance in the structure of tissues in the body and separate what is called Ida Rolf fascial layers that will begin and muscles will be removed from the position due to energy. Rolfing is a massage technique and he will work to relieve pressure for tissues from all the stress that many be harmful to them. According to Rolfing, all body parts are lined up on the ankles, pelvis, hips, knees and shoulders. This is the only way that the body will be balanced with the seriousness and in the State to have a good relaxation and gives more happiness to the person.
The use of these techniques in the right direction is difficult to therapist and a certified Rolfing has to spend many years learning and research. It costs about $ 10000. There is only one school located in Colorado to learn the technique and are a couple other schools that students learn something similar called structural integration instead Rolfing. They are different in name, they are almost the same thing.
There are many people who do not believe in Rolfing. Therapists are using the techniques and have found it to succeed, and many patients have said to be more relaxed and happy when they leave a session Rolfing. Using the therapy and tissue natural forces of gravity means that Rolfing will grow and become more popular in all regions of the world in the future.
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2:44 AM
Labels: alternative medicine, alternative therapy, rolging therapy