There are alternative health therapies that have increased in popularity in the recent years. People are looking for non-invasive and safer ways of treating pain and illnesses. There are new ideas that are being studied for how well they work and the use of magnets for the relief from pain and different forms of arthritis and other painful illnesses. Studies have shown their effectiveness in different ways and some people believe in the use of magnetic therapy. This option is going to need to be explored and considered if you are dealing with arthritis.
It is said that magnets if they are held against the skin will relax blood vessels and allow more blood to flow to the areas of pain and will stop the pain faster. It is also though that the magnetic field will prevent muscle spasms and will interfere with the nerves reaction to pain. There are skeptics that do not believe that magnets prevent or cure pain but they do affect placebo and you think that you are being cured so you emotionally think that it is true. It is a mind over matter option and skeptics that speak about many different alternative medical treatments associate it.
Magnets might just work for you and you will not know until you give them a try. You can buy them in different shapes and sizes and most of the therapists that promote their use will sell magnetic jewelry, belts, and different straps so that they can be worn on the body at the area that is affected. The prices are going to be different and will be anything from five dollars to the very expensive thousands of dollars. This will depend on the style and size of the magnet. You need to choose a magnet that is strong. It is measured in gausses with a typical refrigerator magnet being around 100 gauss; its strength is too weak to penetrate the skin. 450 gauss is the lowest strength that should be used for medical treatments. Magnets that advance in strength will get more expensive as you go. Stronger magnets will work better so that you may get what you pay for in this case.
When magnets are used for health, they can be put directly over the pain or over the acupuncture point that is associated with the pain. A professional can help you figure out where to place them. Arthritis is the most common type of pain that is healed with magnets. They can also be used for back pain, headache, tennis elbow, and even foot pain. There are many other aches and pains that magnets can help with. You may want to talk to your doctor for more information about the magnetic therapy option and if it right for you.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Magnet Therapy - Alternative Medicine
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9:23 PM
Labels: alternative therapy, alterntive medicine, magnet therapy
Light Therapy
Before the times of new modern medicine it did take a long time to heal wounds and illnesses. It should make someone think about how those problems were even healed at all. The answer is easy. The answer is light. Sunlight was and still is a great cure for illnesses and wounds and is rarely used today. Those that practice alternative medicine are looking to light therapy as a new and natural cure for many different types of problems with the physical and emotional body.
The average person is a whole lot busier than people back before modern medicine. It would not make sense for someone to spend hours in the sun and have this just heal something that can be cured in no time when using a pill. It is possible to be cured by light like sunlight. Spending an hour or so in the sun can cure a headache. Having longer exposure can help to protect a wound from becoming infected.
With this information, current alternative medicine professionals are using the healing power of light in order to help their patients with the physical and emotional problems that they have. There are a few different techniques that are used and depending on how severe the problem is. Some of the therapists use fluorescent bulbs next to their patients and have them sit by them for a few hours. Doing this procedure will help and the patient will be able to read so that they do not focus their attention on the lights. Another good use is to cure the aches and pains that people have in the body with intense light with a smaller beam and have it shine on the part of the body that is in pain.
Using light therapy is known to help cure several disorders but the most common is a winter type depression. This is a mental and physical condition of depression that occurs during the winter months. It is a theory that this depression will come because of the lack of sunlight and in may places during the winter months. Exposure to light will make up for this problem and it will hopefully get rid of the winter depression. This is just one idea that will show you how light therapy will work in the ideas of the medicine world today.
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9:22 PM
Labels: alternate theapy, alternative medicine, light therapy
Hypnosis - Alternative Medicine
One way to treat an illness or medical condition is hypnosis. The dangers and the benefits that go along with the idea of hypnosis are still under investigation but there are many patients that have had a great success rate with the technique. If you are someone that is suffering from an illness that you think hypnosis could help you to overcome, you should talk to your doctor or another mental health care provider for more information on the subject. There is research that you can do for the hypnotic option and find out what you need to before you make any decision about how it works in the medical world.
Hypnotherapy is a medical type of hypnosis. This can be used to treat different conditions. There are many stereotypical misunderstandings because of Hollywood about the world of hypnosis. The fact is that most hypnotists do not cause their patients to perform funny or embarrassing acts. These hypnotists that travel around doing funny performances are not a good representation of what other hypnotists in the world offer to people in the way of help.
Hypnotherapy is not something that is done on a stage or in the public eye. It is done in a doctor’s office. Hypnotism is a natural process and if you have been driving and suddenly found your destination without remembering the drive, you have actually hypnotized yourself. Hypnotism does not cause you to sleep or become unconscious. It does open up your subconscious self to the power of what suggestion can do.
Hypnotism is done with speaking guidance. A licensed professional that will ask the patient to think about certain things does this. The mind will then open up and in a different way and the hypnotist can put suggestions into it. Hypnotism is useful for those patients that are dealing with alcoholism or drug addition or any kind of addiction. A therapist can reach a person’s memory at a deeper level when they are in a hypnotized state of mind. It is useful for those patients that have mental disorders as well.
There are some that are easily hypnotized and others that are not. It is not something that will work for everyone. You need to think about this and talk to your family doctor first before you start to see a hypnotist. This needs to be a healthy and good choice for you and your body. Hypnotism should be used when you are searching for the treatments for medical procedures. Many skeptics in the medical field are still using it and many have found it to be successful with hypnotism when other treatments do not work.
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9:17 PM
Labels: alternative medicine, althernative therapy, Hypnosis
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Herbal Nutrition
It is a fact that nutrition has become neglected in the health care system, and how the fast society has given way to fast food, a solution to drugs and Eating on the run. Fortunately, it is increasingly focusing on the important role that nutrition plays in maintaining good health. In Ayurveda, India l 'old science of life, health and longevity, diet plays a leading role in promoting health and is therefore considered medicine.
From a herbal point of view, one of the main keys to maintaining optimal health and to support the healing process is to help the body eliminate toxins and restore the constitutional balance. To do this, Ayurveda stresses the importance of good nutrition through good food choices, nutrition and the combination of cooking methods, nutrition and herbal, all based on the specific needs of the individual and any current imbalance of doshas. Herbal Nutrition is a vast subject that takes into account the individual constitution, the medicinal value of cooking spices, etc.
For optimal herbal nutrition, care should be taken to ensure that organic foods, fresh whenever possible, locally grown. In Ayurveda food, beverages and spices are classified according to their tastes (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, pungent and astringent), the energetic effect they have on the doshas, and their post-digestive effect on tissues. That is why when selecting food, it is important to understand our original Constitution in order to consume foods that have the qualities to face those who are already prevalent in the Constitution. In addition, understanding the current state of doshas is also crucial to make good food choices.
With a balanced food habit or diet, incorporating other healthy lifestyle habits in a daily routine can prevent imbalance from the basic itself. A lifestyle that includes regular eating and sleeping habits bring discipline and help maintain the harmony of doshas, which add an extra to a good health. An ayurvedic consultant or a frequent updated website can provide nutrition and lifestyle guidelines.
Visit the website to find more about Herbalife, which is a website for independent Herbalife Distributor / s.
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3:46 AM
Labels: alternate theapy, Ayurveda, ayurvedic herbs, Ayurvedic Living, for health, herbal, herbal nutrition, medical, medications, online shopping
Alternative Therapy - An effective Alternate
If you make a traditional medical treatment and it does not help you of your symptoms, you can want to test and forms alternate treatment in its place. These alternative matter practices of therapy are studied considerably and much of people have miracles to arrive at them. However with the alternate medical world there are various choices for the treatment. The choice of a plan of medical treatment can be hard and this is why it is important to make research so much. There are many various options which you must choose of for the good type of alternative therapy.
There are various types of therapy which you must check. The most common form of alternative medical choice is chiropractic. The acupuncture and the acupressure very popular and are also admitted by much for manners of treating the disease and the pain. Remedies of sweet herbs are taken instead of many drugs and thus are the homeopathic remedies. A mode of detox is a great form of medical wellbeing for much which does not want to employ medicines and other articles which are prescribed with the harmful chemicals and to bring them on malicious side effects.
There are some types of alternative therapy which concentrates on the direction of the contact. Those will include the massage, Rolfing, Reiki, and the therapeutic contact. There are also various alternative treatments of therapy which will imply your other directions. Aromatherapy will be brought above by direction of odor; the therapy of color and the therapy of light will treat your direction of sight and the therapy of music will imply your direction of hearing.
If none the alternative treatments above of therapy interests you, there is also the method of prayer or meditation. By using yoga, hypnosis, the magnetic therapy, therapy of polarity, apitherapy, and biological feedback will be also of great uses of alternative therapy. There are other types as well and your doctor should know something about each one of them. Employ this as a your guide and start there.
After you selected your alternative option of therapy, you must find a professional so that the treatment makes the treatment. You must observe for those which are not certified. The majority of the alternate professionals of therapy will have programs of certification which are made by the medical doctors. In several of these examples, the practice without certification is There are programs of certification which will help you to feel you better with your professional. You must make your research and compare the prices before buying the best prices and requesting from your doctor a recommendation. You point out that the word of the mouth is always the best type of publicity. You must speak to your family, to friends and to colleagues about the local places with going. You can also go to read the reviews on line and to come into contact with the office of better businesses for more information. To obtain good health is very important and you must make the best decisions than you can.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Environment , Health and Safety with Information Technology
Today countries are developing and technology is moving forward at a greater pace. Is there enough being done for keeping our environment safe and friendly. People are least bothered about this fact and they are exploiting the nature to its maximum extend. The new factories and manufacturing units care least about the environment. The new businesses polluting air and water and polluting the eco-sytem with no initiatives being taken by the businessmen to make their business run with less harm to the ecosystem. Every day lots of plants and trees are being deforested in different parts of the world.
During this deforestation lots of rare species of herbs and plants which are of medicinal nature are being destroyed. This will greatly affect the climate and make the alternate therapies like ayurveda to end. As you know ayurveda depends mainly on plant species to get medicines. Today itself it is being told that it is hard to find plants which has got medicinal values. Most of the plant species has vanished from the face of the earth just because of the irresponsible actions committed by mankind.
I would like to mention a company whose effors are pointed towards optimizing
environmental, health and safety (EHS) performance and to promote environment friendly living with the integration of information technology. The softwares developed by the company like EHS Compliance Software and EHS Metrics Software has the capability to improve virtually every evnvironment, health and safety issue. Accroding to the company EHS Software implementation will help in running large business to comply with the environment related rules and regulations set by the government.
This is definitely an innovative and unique software. I think this software is a must for those large business organizations who wants to keep their environment safe for the mankind.
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4:40 AM
Labels: ayurveda software, environment, for health, safety living
Ayurvedic Skin Care - Have a Fresh, Vibrant and Glowing Skin.
The texture, clarity, flexibility and long-term health of the skin is based only on how and how often you keep your skin clean and fresh? Whether you're young or old, man or woman, you can complement your skin by cleaning it regularly and properly.
Cleaning is without doubt the most important basis of your routine skin care. Cleaning is clean rid of old cells in the skin's surface, dirt and dust, dirt, makeup and bacteria , Keeps the skin and pores of hooves free and able to breathe freely. Cleaning also helps the circulation and prepares the skin to receive the nutrients applied topically and lipids.
Here are some tips for proper cleaning of the face of 5,000-year-old tradition of healing ayurveda:
1. Clean twice a day at most. Unless you have exposed skin with excessive dust, dirt or pollution, twice a day cleaning is more than enough for any skin type. Cleaning too often strips your skin of precious natural oils. No cleaning regularly, especially before retiring for the night, May lead to the constitution and eruptions.
2. Choose a cleanser that fits your skin type. Do not use soap on the skin of the face: it may be too harsh and drying skin and damage over time. Too-rich can cleaning the pores, while a too-dry cleaning can irritate the skin. A cleanser for dry skin should contain nourishing herbs and oils. One for oily skin should include herbs that balance oil production and support clarity. The skin has a sensitive ultra-fresh fragrance free, non-irritating cleanser.
Cleaners traditional ayurvedic are cool made with natural ingredients such as services oats, lentils or chickpeas, improving complexion or clarification of herbs such as turmeric, amalaki, neem and sandalwood , Emollients such as milk, cream yogurt or honey, flowers and citrus or for the waters pure scent of healing. You can make your own by mixing the dry ingredients to last a week or two and blend the mixture with milk or cream just before use. Otherwise, look for a cleaner natural that 's sweet and fortified with skin-friendly herbs. We offer traditional Ayurvedic cleaners for Vata, Pitta and Kapha skin, and balance, powerful tridoshic ayurvedic cleansing.
3. Always clean warm water. Hot water and dry skin damages over time, cold water and won 't dissolve and remove embedded dirt and filth and warm water.
4. If you use sponges or washcloths, make sure they are clean and soft. They are not necessary for cleaning: your fingertips can also do a good job.
5. Wash your hands thoroughly before cleaning your face, or you are going to work in the dirt skin of the face. Use a headband to secure the hair out of the surface.
6. Start with splashes of warm water on your face and neck.
7. Apply the cleaner with your fingertips or a soft sponge, using gentle circular massage strokes and moving up to the face and neck. Do not rub too… massage features are sufficient to help improve traffic as well as loosen the dirt surface and old skin cells. Too washing extend and irritate the skin, particularly the delicate skin around the eyes.
8. Rinse with plenty of warm water. Don 't forget to rinse cleanser neck and hair. Cleanser residue can clog the pores and attract dirt.
9. Blot off excess water gently with a soft towel. Do not rub dry towel or drag along the skin.
10. Follow immediately with a water-based toner and moisturizer that suits your skin type to seal moisture at the surface and provide food when the skin is receptive.
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4:35 AM
Labels: alternate theapy, Ayurveda, ayurvedic herbs, Ayurvedic Living, ayurvedic skin care, ayurvedic skin treatments, for health
Ayurvedic Skin Care
Naturally cool and healthy skin is the protector of the body and a thing of real beauty. Ayurveda our old science of medicine has suggested many medicinal plants and natural methods to protect our skin against the buttons, acne, rings, wrinkles and the marks left by the buttons and increase the fairness of the skin. buttons, rings acne, wrinkles and marks a dull and unhealthy look. Here is a guide for fresh herbs naturally, just and luminous skin.
Structure of the skin
It is essential to know the structure of the skin before analysing the causes that make changes on the skin. The skin is made up of several layers of epithelial tissues. Micro of skin shows two distinct parts. Epidermis is the layer over top. The top layer of dead skin cells that gradually abandon. These cells are gradually replaced by new cells produced by the basal layer which is the lower layer of skin.
The dermis is below the skin and consists of fibre network of collagen, which is responsible for elastic properties of the skin. Sebaceous glands associated with hair follicles and sweat glands, are all present in the dermis and obtain blood supply fabric subcutaneous present below the dermis. sebaceous glands activated during puberty and produce oil as a substance called sebum.
In Ayurveda according Sushrutaachaarya skin has seven layers. These layers when get affected by imbalances doshas (vital energy body forces) give rise to various skin diseases. The list of seven layers of skin and diseases that come from these are as follows:
* Avabhasini - The outermost layer of skin. Buttons, acne, dandruff, etc. occur when this layer is affected by vitiated doshas.
* Lohita - This is the second layer of skin. Moles, dark, black pigmentations occur when vitiated doshas affect this layer.
* Shweta - The third layer of skin when shweta is vitiated doshas precipitates affected by diseases such as eczema, rashes allergies, etc.
* Tamra - This is the fourth layer of the skin which when doshas ports affected by different types of leprosy.
* Vedini - The fifth layer succumbs to herpes when vitiated doshas affect.
* Rohini - Harbors cancer, tumors, etc. when elephantiasis affected by vitiated doshas.
* Mamsadhara - This is the seventh layer in the body which when affected by vitiated doshas, abscesses, fistulas occur.
Functions of the skin
It covers and protects the muscles and organs. It keeps our body's invasion of pathogens, acts as an insulator, regulates body temperature and a sense of the body. It plays a major role in the synthesis of vitamin D. The melanin pigment of the skin protects us from ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.
What spoils the beauty of the skin?
Several internal and external causes ruin the beauty of the skin.
Sun: Sun is the worst enemy of the skin. Apply a good sun block on exposed parts of the body. Porter armed full light cotton clothing color when you go out in the sun. Do not forget to wear a hat and sunglasses cooling .
Mix sandal powder in a large glass of water and keep it in the refrigerator to cool. The transfer to a sprayer and take on this spray on your body whenever you feel that your skin is irritated because of sun rays.
Seasonal changes
When the weather is warm and moist skin feels sticky because of sweat. Increases microbial activity on the skin moist. Swimming every day to keep skin clean and less microbial activity. Use a mixture of soap powder nuts, besan (gram flour) and sandal wood powder rub the skin. Drink plenty of water to compensate for the loss of liquid sweat.
When the weather is cold and dry the moisture from the skin decreases and the skin becomes dry and it tends to crack. Apply the lotion generously throughout the body. The seizure Aloe Vera juice improves moisture levels of the skin. massage body with gingili oil (til oil) once in a low. Always wear cotton clothes and warm socks. Massage feet with regular hot oil or gingili prevents the castor oil cracking heels and feet. Drink plenty of warm water to keep the skin well hydrated and prevent drought.
Air pollution: air pollutants such as dust, smoke, smog, dirt can clog the pores and cause acne and buttons. Apply a good moisturizer, which acts as a barrier between the skin and pollutants. Cleanse the skin care fully when you are back home. Use besan (gram flour) and water rose as Bush in the summer. A mixture of flour Masoor dal (lentils orange) and milk better for a scrub 'winter.
The lifestyles
1. Sleep: Lack of sleep causes dark circles and reduce the glare of the skin. 7 to 8 hours of sleep keeps the skin healthy and bright
2. Exercise: A brisk walk for 45 minutes keeps the skin healthy by improving blood circulation and eliminate toxins. The lack of exercise lead to dull skin.
3. Stress: Stress causes the rings, loss of tone and the appearance of permanent lines on the skin of the face. Yoga, meditation, exercise and body massage are best stress busters and skin friendly therapies .
4. Addiction: tobacco, drugs, alcohol and so do consider the dead skin and unattractive. Saying no to any form of tobacco, alcohol and drugs
Poor nutrition loot the skin. Junk, spicy, fatty foods spoil the beauty of the skin causing acne, buttons and black heads. A healthy diet retards aging process of the skin and gives it a charming look. Advice given below help you adopt a healthy diet.
1. Drink plenty of fresh drinking water (2-3 litres per day). It helps the body eliminate waste and toxins. It takes a failure constipation.
2. I fruits and vegetables occupy most of your diet. Dark green and orange vegetables and fruits have also antioxidants and processes fight against cancer properties
3. Avoid sweets, chocolates, junk food, fried, fatty and spicy foods.
The daily and weekly regime for beautiful skin
1. Take bath every day
2. Wash your face twice a day with scrub herbal natural besan, Methi powder, green grams of flour, flour masoor dal etc Splash water on your face when you wash.
3. Make a complete body massage with gingili oil once a week.
4. To Pranayam every day for 15 minutes to keep skin healthy and radiant.
5. Do natural face with fresh herbs, fruits, vegetables, etc. once in a week. Cucumber, carrot, watermelon, wood pulp sandal, turmeric, honey, etc. can be used according to the seasons and types of skin .
6. Drink a glass of water with a spoon of honey on an empty stomach. This should be one of your daily routine.
7. Enjoy milk, butter and milk curdled milk.
Posted by
4:12 AM
Labels: alternate theapy, Ayurveda, ayurvedic herbs, Ayurvedic Living, ayurvedic skin care, ayurvedic skin treatments, indian ayurveda, kerala Ayurveda
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Online Pharmacy
An online pharmacy can provide people with quality medications at lower prices than others. Customers can rely on online pharmacies to obtain an excellent quick service, the lowest price, customer service with an easily accessible and navigable site. People across several countries can order prescription medicines online and the products are delivered to their door steps. One can easily discover and verify price of medicines required by them the company offers regardless of the destination.
By using online services a customer can refill all medical prescriptions as he sat at home and can order things they want to buy. Get into a online pharmacy website select your product add to cart, register yourself with the company with all the details like where the product should be shipped etc an online pharmacy has got the largest selection of convatec ostomy supplies, hollister ostomy supplies, ostomy skin care which you can order online and get shipped with 48 hours.
India Ayurveda Resorts
Ayurveda, the ancient form of medicine, was developed more than 5000 years during the Vedic. Ayurveda literally be known as the "Science of Life" believes that human life is a combination of meaning, body, mind and soul. Hence ayurvedic treatments not only deal with the physical aspect of a person But the spiritual aspect too, and are governed by the laws of nature. Ayurvedic therapies active ingredients in natural forms and when taking a prescribed dozes, do not cause many side effects on the patient.
has been known since ages for its Ayurvedic treatments. India has known since the age of ayurvedic treatments. At present, there are many centres of Ayurvedic medicine and Spas for authentic ayurvedic treatments. In India, Kerala is the most popular destination for ayurvedic treatments, attract tourists not only from India but other countries. Tourists arriving in India opt for ayurvedic massages and treatments, not only to address a specific problem or illness, but also for de-stressing, relaxation, cleansing and detoxification and weight loss and care beauty.
In India in the states of Kerala, Karnataka, Rajasthan and Goa there are many ayurvedic resorts. Hotel Swagath Holiday in Kovalam, Club Mahindra Lakeview Resort at Munnar, Kumarakom Lake Resort in Kumarakom, Taj Malabar at Kochi, and the Marriott Resort and Taj Holiday Village at Goa. A few of these Resorts offer Ayurvedic treatment packages in India are Somatheeram Beach Resort in Manaltheeram, Hotel Aquaserene in Kollam, Swagath Holiday Hotel in Kovalam, For Devigarh Palace in Udaipur, Club Mahindra Lakeview Resort in Munnar, Kumarakom Lake Resort at Kumarakom Taj Malabar in Kochi, and Marriott Resort and Taj Holiday Village in Goa.
Posted by
12:20 AM
Labels: ayurveda resorts, ayurvedic tourism, indian ayurveda, kerala Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Tourism During Monsoon Time
Spas in Kerala, are all set to welcome their visitors with rejuvenating health packages. It is said that with the arrival of monsoons, tourist resorts and ayurvedic spas in Kerala, are all set to welcome their visitors with packages to rejuvenate
Although Ayurveda has made its way to India centuries ago, it was only in recent years, Kerala that the tourism industry was booming with its ayurvedic spas, and especially during the months of June to August.Ayurvedic experts suggest monsoon to be the best season for treatment, that the air remains free of dust, and cold can open the pores of the body, making it more responsive to treatment herbal oils and other ayurvedic medicines.
In Ayurveda, the treatment is not given to the affected party only, but the individual as a whole, as it is a tract's natural detoxification and refreshments, thus making way to good health .
Posted by
12:19 AM
Labels: alternate theapy, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Living, ayurvedic tourism, kerala Ayurveda
Friday, May 9, 2008
Neem and Ayurveda
For years neem is an importnant and inevitable herb in the ayurvedic system of medicine. Neem is effective for many ailments which are concerned with skin and other types of infection. In India most of the households used to have a neem tree. It is a common belief that if a neem tree is there in the premises of the house hold then diseases like measles, chicken pox and diseases transmitted through mosquitoes will not affect family members. Products made our of neem like neem oil, neem pesticide, neem soap, neem insecticide, neem oils, different kinds of neem extracts, neem for acne treatments and neem leaves are commonly used in India for centuries.
Neem, also known as nimba or margosa, is considered by the ancients and modern science as well as a powerful healing herb with various applications. Described in ayurvedic texts as nivarini of roga of sarva - is what keeps all diseases compartment, or arishtha - soulageur of the disease, neem has been used in ayurvedic tradition for thousands of years to maintain health. All roots, bark, gum, leaves, fruit, seed grains and oil seeds are used in therapeutic preparations for internal use and topical.
Neem has a positive effect on several internal systems of the body - respiratory, circulatory, digestive and disposers. Its capacity curative universal deserve its designation as class-a rasayana herbs elite known for their powerful positive influence on physiology.
Need as a Medication and its benefits
* Neem is considered a powerful defender of the defence mechanisms of normal body . Thus it helps support normal immunity, and helps protect the body against damage from free radical. The free radicals have been implicated in a number of diseases as well as premature aging.
* Since it offers a taste bitter and astringent, Neem is particularly useful for balancing the doshas of Pitta and Kapha.
* Neem leaves are viewed by ayurvedic healers as an effective internal medicine. The leaves of Neem have a powerful effect on blood purification and help clean the liver and skin toxins. Our formulation sheet Neem is certified organic, packaged and when the leaves are fresh and effective. The tea leaf Neem with a dash of honey can help soothe a sore throat dry.
* The Neem bark east is cooling and astringent, and is particularly useful when taken internally for Pitta-related issues such as excessive stomach acid and premature graying and thinning hair. It is also useful in alleviating fatigue and helps maintain oral health, including healthy gums. We offer a formulation organic, pure, powdered certified Neem bark. Externally, the bark of the neem has been used to clean teeth and gums. It helps to maintain oral health and purifies the breath because of its anti-bacterial property. Our toothpaste powder Neem bark of the neem combines with the clove, also known to be good for the teeth and gums, for a normal aid powerful dental health.