As part of Ayurveda, the inner and outer beauty are closely related. Ayurveda includes beauty as being a product of general physical health and appropriate daily care. The prominence is on self-knowledge and development of positive routines and habits that will provide better results. As per ayurveda secret of youthful and staying beautiful is the appropriate fluid movement in the body and proper excretion of body wastes.
An ayurvedic massage helps in proper circulation of vital body fluids and is an essential procedure for better health and beauty as good diet and ayurvedic lifestyle. An Ayurvedic facial massage activates the deep centers of the brain, points reflexes and movement to ease facial muscles. Tensions in the neck, shoulders and face are freed and energy is rebalanced from head to toe. Herbal extracts and essential oils along with some pleasant fragrances to provide a healing property.
Here are some of the common beauty treatments and therapies commonly practised in ayurveda to attain and maintain beauty.
Ayurveda Mukh Soundarya
A facial beauty treatment to improve color and complexion of the skin using gentle Ayurvedic herbal face packs, face wash and cream.
Mehndi (Henna)
It is a traditional artwork on hands and feet. The special ayurvedic significance lies in its effect of balancing Pitta. Enjoy our highly talented therapist - artists performing this traditional artwork on your hands and feet. Its effect is temporary, lasting for approximately 2 weeks.
Ayurveda Kesh Soundarya (Hair Care)
Conditioning treatment for your Hair using various herbal powders and pastes.
Ayurveda Pada Soundarya (Pedicure)
An ayurvedic herbal foot treatment using various herbal pastes and cream.
Ayurveda Hatha Soundarya (Manicure)
An Ayurvedic herbal treatment for enhancing the youthfulness of your hands and arms performed using various herbal pastes and cream.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Ayurvedic Beauty Treatments & Therapies
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9:38 PM
Labels: ayurvdic beauty treatments, ayurveda and beauty, ayurveda beauty therapies, ayurveda beauty treatments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Dhara in Ayurveda
Dhara is a process by which the herbal oils, medicated milk, buttermilk and so on are pured on to the forehead for about 45 minutes a day. This treatment is being done for Vatha predominant diseases, mental disorders, Neurasthenia, memory loss and certain skin diseases like psoriasis.
In Thakra Dhara, after buttermilk treated with medication by massage principal is paid uninterrupted flow inside of a ship hanging on the forehead and scalp. It's very good at dealing with problems like scalp dandruff, psoriasis, the hyper tention, diabetes, hair loss and other skin complaints. This gives the very cool head and produces sleep.
In Siro Dhara, after giving a good massage main oil herbs is paid uninterrupted flow inside of a ship hanging on the forehead and scalp. It's very good at relieving the effort and coercion and produces sleep. Maintain hormone balance.
The Dhanyamla Dhara includes puring of medicinal liquid over different parts of the body. This therapy continues for 45 to 60 minutes per day and lasts for 7 to 12 days. The liquid medicine hot Luc is left falling over the body on a rhythmic mode of a ship hooked.
It is used for a range of conditions like spinal disorders, rheumatism, arthritis, asthma, neurological disorders, the spondylosis, etc..
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2:38 AM
Labels: ayurveda dhara, ayurveda treatment, ayurvedic dhara treatment, siro dhara, takra dhara
Monday, November 17, 2008
Ayurvedic Treatments - Abyangam
Abhyangam is a popular body massage in ayurveda. Abhyanga The word itself means for massaging. In Ayurveda, the massage Abhyangam became popular because of its efficient way to condition the body. Abhyangam can be used therapeutically. The massage is designed around each individual, to adapt to his illness or condition. Special type of massage oil in which courses are given as needed about 45 minutes per day for 14 days. It is very useful for obesity, diabetic gangrene (one because of the condition developed by lack of blood flow in parts of the body). The massage is done with a combination of herbal oils especially prepared Ayurvedic and applied throughout the body stimulating key points. It's very good for the overall health of the skin and prevents aging early and relieves pain and muscle pain. After the massage boiling water bath herbs is also given. Abhyangam can increase the production of antibodies corpuscles and white blood, which provide more resistance against viruses and diseases. This helps the defense mechanism in the body and increase immunity to environmental changes. In this way the massage abhyangam is a protective, preservative and a rejuvenator, a growing self-confidence and power of will. To massage is to exercise the nervous system.
If abhyangan is done daily to the spine, feet and head massage with sesame oil, sénevé almonds increases virility, vitality and sperm count. The body consists of seven ingredients of tissue that are called as Dhatus. Because massage is a practice that provides energy, vitality, and food to each of the seven Dhatus approaching old the body remains young and energetic for a longer duration. In this way, massage has the purpose of anti aging. The constant constraint on the nervous system of Vata producing foods and concerns related to the beginnings Vata and one with pain in the muscles and joints. The abhyangam regular massage with oil or oil burning Mahanarayana prepared garlic in oil heated, or adding fenugreek seeds in boiling oil, oil in good condition and wintergreen oil throughout aid that have created difficulties by Vata. Fatigue is actually caused by overwork and physical. It affects the muscles and cause tensions. Friction, tap and the tightening of muscles gently removes fatigue. Dry skin is caused due to the dry climate of excessive mental work, worries and constant worry. People who live in cold climates get dry skin in the face constantly frightening air, creating drought. Vata, by nature, is cold and dry property and cold is more active when there is a cold wave or a cold wind. The skin comes into direct contact with the external atmosphere and the skin is also reflected as a mirror in the interior of the physical body. There are so many other factors that make the skin as unhealthy beauty products of chemical origin, massage etc pollution. with oil remove drought, which is the first sign of disturbed Vata in the body. Massage also makes the skin smooth and makes it shine. The regular rubbing makes it hard. Those who recover the body mass regularly injuries faster than another person who does not massage. Those who regularly massage experience the process of healing immediately and they face comparatively less pain and few problems. The applications of abhyangam treatment in the field of ayruveda is many. The abhyangam treatment has proved as a solutions for many ailments and resisting against diseases.
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10:17 PM
Labels: abhyangam treatment, Ayurveda, ayurvedic treatments