There is a very interesting thought out there that states that every person is walking around made up of energy. This is known as Ki in Japan. It is a life force of energy. It is also stated that when a person’s body runs low on this life force, it will become easier to get disease, stress and other types of harm. One way to promote more happiness and a healthier way of living, the body will need to be restored with energy. This is where the Reiki will come in. Reiki is known as a Japanese technique that will take away stress and bring health into a person’s life through the addition of life force energy.
The meaning of Reiki is made up of two words in Japanese. They are Rei and Ki and Rei will translate into “God’s Wisdom” or “ the higher Power” and Ki will mean “life force energy.” Reiki means, “Spiritually guided life force energy.” It is said upon the idea that the power to control these energy forces and change them in a person is a gift that is given by a higher power. Many of the people that use Reiki do believe that a higher power allowed them to do Reiki. This is not a technique that is said to be religious in any nature. Reiki is not even tied to any religion at all and though it does give many people a better sense of stronger ties to any type of religion that the person believes in. Reiki is not any power on the belief of any one identity or person. It is a natural remedy for disease and emotional problems that will work if someone believes in it or not.
Reiki will work by laying your hands on someone else’s body and increasing the life force of energy. When someone learns this practice they will have an unlimited supply of life force energy to give to other people. This may sound like a very difficult procedure but it is really simple. In fact, it is taught to anyone easily whether they are spiritually devoted or not.
If you are considering this technique, you will need to go through a class that is called “attunement.” This is where the teacher will pass on the ability to perform Reiki to the students. It is simple and it will not take into consideration how smart the person is or is not. Reiki has been taught to people of all ages and sizes and it is interesting to you, look it up. Find a Reiki master near you and take the class. It is learned easily and believed by many people as a great stress reliever.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Reiki Therapy - The Japanese Cure
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5:27 AM
Labels: alternate theapy, japanese cure, reiki for health, Reiki Therapy
Polarity Therapay for Health
Polarity therapy is something that is used off of the human energy process. It is comprised of the electromagnetic patterns that are used in mental, emotional, and physical responses. When someone is sick, it is said that they human energy is in poor condition and it needs to be repaired with the polarity therapy process. When using the energy that is based in bodywork, exercise, dieting, and being aware, polarity therapy is going to give the body a stronger human energy field. This will in return make them healthier.
Polarity therapy was first used by Randolph Stone that published a total of seven works by 1954 that talked about what he found in his research into using energy in the healing art form. He found that touch, diet, movement, sounds, attitudes, and relationships as well as the things that happen in life experiences affect the human energy field. He used his findings and theories during his medical career in Chicago and had a great deal of success with the majority of the patients. After treatment, some of Stone’s students that carried on his work and in 1984 the American polarity Therapy Association was discovered and since then, Polarity therapy has became an used a lot in the form of medicine and has been more diverse than when it was first thought of.
A person’s energy is supposed to flow smoothly and clearly. When it does a person is gong to be thought of as healthy. However, blockages in the flow of energy can occur due to stress or other factors in life. When this does happen, a body will become less healthy and pan and some illness can occur. Polarity therapy is going to look for blockages and will try to get rid of them and this will allow the energy to flow free again. A usual polarity therapy session can take anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half. In this time, there will be different types of touch and speaking interactions that will happen. The professional will use degrees of touch on the patient in the form of light and hard in order to help their muscles relax and this will help to fight stress. The person will also try and make the person more aware of their energy in the body and this will help them to be more aware of the energy that they have. Doing this will make them more calm and give them the chance to be calmer.
Polarity therapy is a great cure for so many people and has great success in the form of stress relief. After the therapy session a person will feel more relaxed and a happier person. It is a great way to take away the tension and bring out a stronger person and help them a lot.
Praying for Health
There are many people that belong to some kind of religion. The fact is that about 95% of Americans believe in God. When a person is sick or in pain, it is very common to pray for health. Many wander does this work? There are studies today that are committed on the accuracy of prayer for health. The alternative to traditional treatments can be used to help a person in both the physical and spiritual aspects of life. Studies are now looking at if prayer can be used in place of other medical procedures or if it is used in connection with the traditional ways.
It is logical to say that prayer can help with your mental conditions. However the belief in a higher power and heaven will give you a more positive outlook on life and your medical progress. Relieving stress in the mind is going to make for better health decisions. The people that pray are going to have a larger support group of others who are also in the religious manner and it will bring a sense of community to the person that is praying. All of these can help improve overall health.
One questions is if prayer can help physically and bring healing to the body? Studies are doing more work in this subject and have split it into three topics. One group received no prayers from a larger group, one received prayers and was told about it and the last had prayers and they were told that they may or may not receive them. This blind type of study was inconclusive. It could not be determined if the patients were praying or if the outside friends and family were praying. It was not possible to control those types of studies.
With many of the different alternative therapy options, advocates will say that it is not going to hurt anything. This is true for sure. Praying does not cost anything and it takes little time. When used with typical medical procedures it can only help with a person’s health. The medical field was started in ancient times as a type of religion and with many doctors and the nursing staff as the roles of religious leaders. In the world today, this is not the case and in most hospitals it still employee’s members of the clergy to visit the patients if they want.
With the studies being inconclusive, it may be very unproductive to use prayer in place of other medical treatments. You need to discuss this with your doctor and religious leaders so that you have the best course of action for you and your medical problem. If you are using prayers it will make you feel more positive about your condition and you should continue to do this.
Music Therapy for Health
The National Association for Music Therapy in 1950 was formed and it brought music therapy in the world of professionalism. This was the root for the music therapy discovery. Using music as a cure for a person’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being has been used for centuries. However it was never referred to a professional science. Even though everyone does not consider it to be, music therapy will make up a significant part of alternative therapy medicine.
There are many people that refer to music therapy for help. These people are professionals like a physician, psychologist, or a social worker. There are also many parents that will use music therapy for their children. There are reasons that someone will come under the care of a music therapist and they will always be in good hands. A music therapist is going to be a very qualified individual with a good education and training. There are music therapists that often work with the physically handicapped and the abused. This is also something that will help the elderly, terminally ill and the mentally retarded.
Music therapy techniques are different and will deal with the expression of emotions for calming the body. A music therapist may tell a patient to sing to express their emotions that need to be let out. Others many also use piano playing as a way to increase their motor skills and other may use instruments to help a patient illustrate his or her inside feelings. There are different applications for music therapy and making it an exciting and interesting part.
There are patients that are involved in music therapy and are going to increase their skill in using an instrument or in another part of music that is not the main focus. Music therapy is gong to focus on the areas of communication, academic and motor and social skills. All of these areas can be impacted with the use of music and proven by music therapists over and over.
Music cannot cure in a disabilities and illnesses. It is a good tool when used by those that are willing to participate in getting music therapy to help them with problems. Many use it in hospitals, rehab centers, and retirement homes. It can also help many children that are dealing with social skills in school. Music therapy can help in these fields and it is very interesting to learn that music therapy is showing up everywhere and the way that music therapy will be more popular in the future.
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No one wants to become a diabetic patient. This disease is a health problem that can affect anyone at any point of life. The health problem of diabetes is because of the lifestyle of the person. If one changes the lifestyle he can avoid this preventable and terrible disease. Diabetes is caused due to irregularities in the amount of insulin secreted in the human body. As per a report in the year 1996 the number of diabetes patients will be about 250 million worldwide by the year of 2025. a medical supplies provider for Arthritis, Colostomy & Ostomy, Cough and Cold, Diabetic Supplies, Home Health Care, Homeopathic Items, Mobility Aids, Nutrition and Diet, Personal Care, Pet Products, Quit Smoking, Strips etc. Hocks Pharmacy offers free blood glucose meter with the purchase of blood glucose test strips. If you are struggling with diabetes and looking for blood glucose strips visit the website and get free blood glucose meter with the purchase.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Ayurvedic Massage for Healthy Living
There are many people that love to get massages because they feel great but they also benefit your health and most people do not know this. Massage therapy and techniques when they are done the right way can decrease your stress levels but also relax your muscles and they can improve your immune system as well. Massages can also help to relive pain in the body and cure headaches. Healing injuries and retaining muscle and joint mobility are also accredited to massages. If you are having any type of problems with these areas and traditional medical procedures are not working for you, talk to your health care provider about the alternative therapy options like massage.
There are different kinds of massages and a professional will usually practice one or two of these. You need to visit someone who can help you with your needs. There are Swedish massages that are focused on relaxation or deep tissue massage and they are focused on loosening muscle tissues up.
Some of the different massages can target certain parts of the body. A Cranio-Sacral massage will focus on your neck, head, and spine to get it working properly in the right alignment again. This will also loosen up the tight muscles in the body. Chi Nei Tsang is one type of massage that will focus on your abdominal organs and help you with your digestive pain or disease. If your joints are giving you the problem, you need to use The Trager Approach. This is a kind of massage that will improve your life when it is done the right way. You can also use them in connection with the Swedish massage or other types to target the problem and relax the whole body.
The other types of massages are going to relax or relieve stress like the Rosen Method. All of the massages should make you feel physically and emotionally better. There are a few types of massage like the deep tissue massage that can be a little painful and should only be used if the doctor recommends it for you. Rolfing is one of these techniques that work to align your tissues the right way and straighten the spine up. Even after this massage, you should feel better and not worse. If your condition gets worse, you need to speak to your doctor and take different measures right away.
The other kinds of massage that may work for you will include the Alexander technique, acupressure, feldenfrais, reflexology, Reiki, and Shiatsu methods. There are different ways to use these techniques and you need to research them a lot before you make an appointment. You can find out information on how to perform the simple massage techniques on yourself to improve your comfort level or you can buy a massage chair for the home or office. Your doctor or massage therapist can help you figure out what is going to be best for you and what your body needs the most.
Disease in Ayurveda
'Vyadhi', it is what is called for disease in Ayurveda. According to ayurveda, it is the state of body and mind in which they are subjected to pain, injury and discomfort. As per this age old medicine the basic reason is imbalance of the three common doshas - Vata, Pitta and kapha. This blog has already talked about these three doshas in the previous blog posts. The state of balance or equilibrium between these three doshas in the body is called health and the state of disequilibrium or imbalance is so called vyadhi or disease. The imbalance may be due to an increase or decrease in one, two or all the three doshas or the excess use of body senses.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
An Online Shopping Market
This blog primarily talks about ayurveda and alternative living. Today i am going to introduce to my fellow readers a website mainly for shopping. Internet is a place with lots of information and details about the services and products offered by many. There a numerous kinds of products are services available but how can we find the best one and the most useful one for us. We need a search engine especially a shopping search engine which aggregates quality products from the world wide web.
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Ayurvedic and Dietary Treatments for High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure or hypertension is the condition when the blood flow in the arteries and veins is forced under a higher pressure than normal. This can happen due to the weakness of the heart or due to the buildup of cholesterol in the coronary arteries, which can reduce their lumen. Today, most people in the world are suffering from hypertension, though it is not always fatal. Proper medication and a positive lifestyle can make people with higher blood pressures lead a long and happy life. However, neglect can cause severe fatal problems like myocardial infarctions (heart attacks).
High blood pressure is known as Rakta Gata vata in Ayurveda. It can be caused due to vitiation of any of the three doshas, though the contribution of the vata dosha may be more, as it is responsible for the circulation of blood. The following are the main precipitating factors for people with different doshas:-
1. Vata type of Hypertension – This is caused by extreme emotions such as worry, anxiety and stress.
2. Pitta type of Hypertension – This is caused by negative emotions such as hatred, jealousy and feeling for revenge.
3. Kapha type of Hypertension – This is caused by problems with the digestive system.
(1) Useful Herbs in the Treatment of High Blood Pressure
1. Alfalfa (Medicago satina)
Alfalfa contains several elements which are needed in the softening of the hard arteries. This reduces the tension in the arteries and hence helps to treat hypertension.
2. Bloodwort (Achillea millefolium)
Bloodwort is a sweat-inducing herb. It makes the blood flow towards the skin for expelling the sweat. Due to this free movement of the blood, the high blood pressure is reduced. Bloodword contains an alkaloid which is effective in reducing high blood pressure.
3. Garlic (Allium sativum)
Garlic is an antispasmodic agent. Hence it reduces the pressure in the arteries caused due to the pumping action of the heart during blood circulation. Garlic creates a rhythm in the pumping of the heart, which eases the pulse. Other high blood pressure problems such as dizziness, shortness of breath and indigestion are also taken care of by garlic. Garlic is widely considered to be the best remedy for high blood pressure.
4. Jaundice Berry (Berberis vulgaris)
Jaundice berry is another very effective remedy in the treatment of high blood pressure. It eases the tension in the arteries by making them dilate. Thus the blood flow in them is facilitated.
5. Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
Parsley is like a monitor of the blood vessels. It regulates the flow of blood in them and maintains easy circulation. It looks after the entire arterial system. Hence it is a very beneficial herb for people with high blood pressure.
6. Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina)
The effects of rauwolfia on the arteries and veins of the human system have been investigated in detail, and immensely positive results have been obtained. Rauwolfia has a treasure-trove of alkaloids for easing the arteries, synchronizing the blood flow in them, reducing palpitation and even removing the cholesterol buildup in the arteries. Hence, practitioners of all forms of medicine acknowledge the effects of rauwolfia. In Ayurveda especially, the root of the rauwolfia is prescribed for hypertension patients. The Ayurvedic name for rauwolfia is sarpagandha.
(2) Dietary Treatments for High Blood Pressure
A strict dietary regimen is important to seek early treatment from high blood pressure. The following points must be obeyed:-
1. Salt should be reduced or totally eliminated from the diet. Hot and spicy foods should also be avoided.
2. Instead of hydrogenated fats, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats must be used. These include oils of sesame, olive, flaxseed, mustard and groundnut. Ghee and butter made from cow’s milk are beneficial. Buffalo milk should be avoided.
3. Indigestion should be taken care of by consuming a good amount of leafy vegetables containing fiber.
4. Bitter gourd and drumsticks are advantageous vegetables for people suffering from high blood pressure. Colocasia must be avoided, but yellow pumpkin helps in reducing blood pressure.
5. Among fruits, bananas, oranges, guavas and apples are good. All kinds of dry fruits and nuts are good.
6. Sweets and chocolates must be avoided.
7. Red meats must be avoided. But white meats, especially fish are beneficial in lowering blood pressure.
(3) Ayurvedic Concepts for High Blood Pressure
Sarpagandha is the drug of choice in high blood pressure. Not only is this drug used in Ayurvedic medicine, but it is also used in allopathic medicine in the treatment of high blood pressure. In addition, the following herbal preparations are prescribed depending on the doshic cause of high blood pressure:-
a. For Vataja High Blood Pressure, jatamansi and brahmi are prescribed.
b. For Pittaja High Blood Pressure, sarsarapilla and sandalwood are prescribed.
c. For Kaphaja High Blood Pressure, calamus, arjuna, shilajit, guggulu and berberis are prescribed.
(4) Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure
a. Have a spoonful of lemon juice mixed with honey every morning.
b. Oranges are very helpful in high blood pressure. Have a juice of two or three oranges every day.
c. Prepare a powdered mixture of cumin seeds, fennel seeds and sugar. Take one spoonful of this mixture in water every morning and evening.
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Eliminate Confusion, Self Judgement, And Old Belief Patterns - Learn Ayurveda Health Care Choices by Helen Thomas
In the science of ayurvedic medicine, body type survey is used as one of the diagnostic methods of the science of Ayurveda.
This self-protocol test is an accurate description of the examination done by the Ayurveda Rishis' Physicians. These ancient physicians performed the examinations and recorded the results in sanskrit originally.
It is important to understand that taking this test out of the lineup of all the other tools that the ayurvedic doctor uses is like taking a tone out of the eight tones of the music scale.
It is only part of the examination findings that lead the ayurvedic doctor to a course of treatment. This survey introduces you to yourself. There are many surveys to complete in a lifetime because they are a convenient way of objectively knowing yourself.
The eternal benefit is you are taught your ayurveda body type with this survey. This is the first step in the bell tones of ayurveda..
The great benefit to a twenty-first century person to learn the ancient science of ayurveda body type still is that the ayurveda health body science makes sense.
Ayurveda is a logical and complete body science with easy steps to follow. Exercise, Relaxation Techniques, food and herbs all uniquely chosen for your age, season, and even, time of the day. These daily observations are the very details of your disorder in the eyes of ayurveda. Ayurveda uses this body info, just as a few of the tools of ayurveda.
Easy to follow. One can follow the ayurvedic logic back to health.
You do not have to trust it, the results speak for itself.
Ayurveda Body Type Survey provides a modern person a blueprint to understand the nuts and bolts about their sacred vehicle.
The survey is an excellent tool to focus the person back to themselves without preconceived ideas of who they wish they were.
The survey works to deliver that message. It actually happens in the taking of the survey.
As you answer questions without thinking and just describing yourself naturally.
A special thing happens. You are focusing on yourself without judgment.
Self-knowledge is the reward. Seeing yourself with strengths and parts that need your love and nourishment to balance is life transforming. Body Type Survey is a gift from the ancient Sumerians to us. Talk about timelessness.
The same way a good doctor would exam a patient, you examine you
The survey that the ancient physician created was thorough and answered to the doctor, in the case of the individual body type seeker, you are the doctor.For the next article I wll give you a tip for homework: Remember One Important Fact in Ayurved Science. Vata leads The doshas.
THis is one of the principles I was taught by Vaidya Raga, a world renown ayurvedic pulse diagnostician teaching and practicing throughout the worl and India. The body moves because of Vata. Vata to the western scientist or scientific mind translates to nerve trasmi
Thank-you for joining with me to popularize ayurveda in the twenty-first century.
Learn about you,nourish you, listen to you, heal you, make you happy, start by getting to know you the ayurveda way.
2007 © Copyright Dr. Helen Thomas D.C. B.A.
For MY Free 358 page book go to Simple, powerful help.
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Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Online Medical Supplies
For a family to have a peaceful,caring and loving atmosphere all members of the family should stay happy and healthy. Any kind of sickness can come to our family members at any point of time in out lifetime. It is true that health is wealth and without adequate medications absolute health cannot be attained. I means to say staying healthy is to be free of minor and major ailments and having the right medications and other medical supplies in case any kind of sickness. We need discounted medical supplies or discounted medicines to overcome these uninvited members to our family. has got a range of discounted medical supplies which counts to about fifteen thousand and medicines from about 300 medical suppliers or manufacturers. The firm provides online medical supplies for those who are in need of medical supplies over the net. The range of supplies from varies from aids for daily living to medicines for critical illness. One of the featured product supplied by the company is devrom or devrom tablets. Visit the website to find discounted medical supplies and home health care prodicts.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Ayurvedic Digestion
Most of the people has got day to day digestion problems such as gas trouble, bloating, stomach pain, constipation, heartburn, and fatigue after eating. There are some simple solutions to these common problems by keeping in mind what we eat and how we eat.
Most of the time it is found that people used to have food while driving or having it in a hurry without getting time to take it properly. Our bodies need a settled and peaceful environment in order to absorb the nutrients from the food we take in. If that is not available then we should at least be sitting down to eat -- not standing, walking, or driving our way through a meal.
The way or the method of eating is life-giving. The process of eating, according to ayurveda, is something relevant and important for the development of consciousness as well as our health. When we sit down to have food, our stomach is in a relaxed posture and we concentrate on the taste, texture, and smell of the food. This will definitely improve the digestion. Another way to improve the digestion is to stimulate digestive fire(in ayurveda digestive fire is named 'agni') before we begin eating. Weak digestive fire or agni may result in fatigue after eating so Ayurveda recommends eating a 1-inch piece of fresh ginger with a few drops of lemon juice and a few pinches of salt on it before you are about to take a full meal. This will help to activate the salivary glands, producing the necessary enzymes so that the nutrients in the food are easily absorbed by the body.
Balancing your digestive fire or agni is an important principle in Ayurveda. That's why this system of medicine, ayurveda states a number of general practices for better digestion. Digestive agni is compared to a burning fire. If the fire is very low than it will take much time to cook the food. In the same way if the fire is too high it can even burn or extinguish the food. Our digestive fires should be balanced so that we can digest our meals and can be productive nutritious for our body. The recommended ginger and lemon juice is helpful to increase the digestive power